We eat food everyday and we eat different kinds everyday, including different type of protein, carbohydrate, fibre, and others. This desire for different food everyday is because of our wants and needs. Some food can cause illness if one consumed too much, but others can heal and cure it.
It turns out that Indonesia, a country located in Asia and is the world's largest archipelago, is famous for its natural herbs that can be use for curing illness and pain. From leaves to roots, Here are some natural medicine Indonesia is famous for:
1. Cincau Leaf

This leaf is well-known when its processed into jelly-like form, also famously known as "Cendol". This medicinal plant can help cure fever, diabetes mellitus medicine, stomach ulcers, and even typhus. Cincau leaf has two different colours, green and black, in which both taste delicious, especially when it's served cold on a hot, sunny day.
2. Sambiloto
This particular herbal plant is often found in tropical forests, such as those in Indonesia, and is often used as herbs and medicine, often found in liquid or syrup form. Currently this plant thrives in various tropical regions such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and some countries in America continent. This plant is known for helping reducing body heat, expedite urine, stomach pain medication, and to treat diabetes.
3. Dewa Leaf

The Dewa leaf, or translated from Bahasa Indonesia, God leaf, is one of the herbal leaves used in making medicines. The types of diseases that can be treated by consuming this leaves are cancer, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, and bleeding. In addition this plant can also be used to treat bruises, toxins.
4. Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus)

This plant is not longer unknown in Indonesia, thanks to its health benefit and everyday uses for curing diseases. This plant can be used as ingredients to make medicine with a certain concoction and right dosage can be a very powerful.
What this plant is really famous for is as a cure to urinary stone. This plant will shed pee stones so it can smooth the urinary tract. In addition, this plant is also efficient to treat rheumatism, cough, colds, diabetes, and hypertension.
5. Aloe Vera

This plant is also known as "Lidah Buaya" in Indonesia, is an herbal plant which is very commonly found in city gardens and forests. It is easily plant and often use to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes. In addition to its main functions for hair health, get rid of acne, and beauty, this plant can also be used to treat various diseases.
As a medicinal plant aloe vera nutritious to treat heart attack disease, diabetes, sore throat, constipation, and many other diseases that can be treated with this plant. Nowadays, aloe vera are commonly served in drinks as jellies, as lotion and cream products.
6. Temulawak
Temulawak, or can be called the Java ginger, is a spice plant which originate in Indonesia and for centuries it has been used for its several health benefits. Temulawak drinks is well-known in Indonesia to relieve nausea, dizziness, and symptoms of cold as well as improving children's appetite.
To serve and make this ointment, mash temulawak and brew with tamarind and palm sugar, keep it boiling until only half the water remains.
7. Jamu Galian Singset

This particular herbal drink is always been popular as natural medicine in Indonesia especially among woman. The word "Singset" itself means slim. This recipe uses temulawak, ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, and cinnamon, mixed with tamarind, coriander, and pepper, all mashed together and boiled. Some may say that this drink is only to make our body leaner but there's other health benefits such as, curing sore throat.
To conclude this blog, for those of you who have made it to the end of this page, I would recommend to try one of these natural mixtures as it could be something new and may help both yourself and others.
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