Sunlight is important for most living being on the planet, especially humans. Humans need sunlight because it affects our body. However, many people nowadays spend most of their time indoors especially office workers and students. Most people underestimate the importance of sun but it actually more important than they think. Here is why.
1. Sunlight can make you feel happy
Being exposed to the sun can increase your serotine level which is your body natural happy hormone. Because of this, people tend to be more happy and energetic when the sun shines. The lack of sunlight exposure may cause depression because without sunlight, your serotine level will be decreased. The effect of serotine is triggered by sunlight that goes into your eye which cues special areas in the retina that triggers the release serotine. Regular sunlight exposure can decrease depression. Mental health is also important for human body, click here to find out.
2. Build Stronger Bones
A 30 minutes exposure to the sunlight can cause a person’s skin to create vitamin D that is important for the bone. Vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium so that it could keep our bones healthy and protect us from serious bone diseases such as osteoporosis. To know more about vitamins click here.
3. Prevents Cancer
Although too much exposure to the sunlight can cause skin cancer, a moderate amount of sunlight exposure can generate vitamin D that can help in preventing cancer. A study conducted by the US National Cancer Institute that people who are exposed to a moderate amount of sunlight were less likely to die from breast and colon cancer.
4. Prevents Diabetes
Sunlight generates vitamin D that can also prevent diabetes. According to a study in Finland, children that are given vitamin D for several years had an 80% reduction in the chances of getting Type 1 diabetes as young adults.
These are several reasons why sunlight is important. So, start exposing yourself to the sunlight. You can do this whilst exercising outside. This small change in your lifestyle could make your mind and body healthier and most importantly, allowing you to live longer.
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