Cough, Cold, and Flu

We've all have had that time where we are so busy with our work and job that we actually forgotten to take care of own body, keeping ourselves healthy. During rush hours, we don't care much about what we eat for lunch and dinner. This habit can get us ill especially when we consume too much oily or junk food.
Because of this, we can easily catch common cough, cold, and flu. Most of us wouldn't care as its not a big deal cause its common for everyone, but these illness can lead sometime serious and deadly if not cured as soon as possible. Everyone's number one solution to this is to go to the doctor but that will only waste both time and money.
So before going to the doctor, Here's some Home Remedies that may help:
1. Honey and Lemon Tea

It kinda sucks to have your throat itching and annoying every time you drink something. This is a very easy homemade remedy that will help you cure that pain.
In order to make this, you will only need honey, a slice of lemon, warm water or an herbal tea. Mix two teaspoons of honey and lemon juice with warm water or tea and drink this once or twice a day. You'll feel better in no time. You may add ginger as may relieve nausea and pain.
2. Fluids

One major causes of common coughs is dehydration, which is why our body requires fluid to stay hydrated. Most doctors will suggest to drink at least 8 glass of water everyday.
If you're catching cough and flu, then its much better to drink more water everyday. Research states that drinking water or other fluids at room temperature alleviate cold and flu. Hot fluid which may comfort are:
- Warm Water
- Herbal teas (Hot)
- Clear broths
- Decaffeinated Black tea
- Warm Juices
3. Salt Water

When we have cold and flu, it's pretty hard and we suffer to breath and sleep with a congested nose.
Salt-water will help to rinse the virus and bacteria in our nasal passage.
To do this gargle a glass of salt water. To make this mixture, mix 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with warm water. Let it sit-back in your throat for a moment before spitting it out. Try doing this everyday and night.
4. Humidify

Nasal Congestion make our everyday lives a real misery. To cure this, try taking a hot, steamy shower. The steam from the hot water can help cleaning the mucus in your nose. A steam vaporiser can be use as well during sleeping. Inhaling the steam will enable you to breathe easily and normally.
5. Eat Anti-Disease Food
When you're in the condition of suffering and fighting a battle with a cold or flu, consume some of these food from this list:
- Bananas and Rice to soothe an upset stomach and curb Diarrhea
- Vitamin C - containing foods like bell peppers, oranges, carrots
- Blueberries curb diarrhea and are high in natural aspirin, which may lower fevers and help with aches and pains
- Chilli peppers or any other kind of chillies may open sinuses, and help break up mucus in the lungs
- Cranberries may help prevent bacteria from sticking to cells lining the bladder and urinary tract
- Mustard or horseradish may helps break up mucus in air passages
When to go see the Doctor?
These methods may not work for everyone, because this depends on how bad the cold or flu is.

If you've tried every home remedies and it's still not cured, then probably it's worse than expected and you would have to make a doctor's appointment. Symptoms such as over three days fever, chills, cough blood, and difficulty in breathing is a must to the hospital for a check-up
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