You may or may not be surprised to hear this but, many things in our diets actually contain sugar. Of course this is also in varying amount. The worst of all being things like candy and soda which is basically just soda.
Of course most of what is shown in the example above is not surprising. Like how pancakes with syrup and whipped cream would have a high amount of sugar. What should surprise you is just how much sugar is in yogurt.
Sugar is a very addictive substance and in many cases leads to addiction or cravings for sugary products. To an extent this is normal given just much of the products we consume on a daily basis consumes added sugars. An excess in sugar could lead to obesity, heightened blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Studies have even shown a decrease in brain power from eating to much sugar. In certain cases causing impaired cognitive function such reduced memory and responsiveness.
So how do you cut back on sugar?
For certain products this is easy. Things like soda now have variations in their product line up that contain either lower or no sugar at all. In the case of Coca-Cola they even have one that uses a more natural sugar that doesn't require the same amount to give the same sweet flavour.

In certain cases is would be best to switch to a different product that contains less sugar and slowly switch to ones that don't have sugar in them at all. For example if you normally eat a muffin that may have 46 grams of sugar, then switching to yogurt that only has 15 grams of sugar is already cutting your breakfast sugar intake by more than half.
In many cases for people once going long periods with out particular sugary products, they actually loose the cravings they once had for those products.
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