Cardio is one of the best ways to reduce weight. Here are several cardio exercises that can reduce your weight
Sprinting is a great way to burn a lot of calories in the least amount of time. Moreover, you don't really need and equipment such as a treadmill to do this particular exercise because you can do it almost anywhere. If you're outside, try to sprint one lap then jog one lap. Keep repeating this as much as you can for a maximum result. If you're on a treadmill, try to sprint continuously for 20 to 30 seconds, then slow down and jog for one minute or so before repeating. If you want to lose weight quickly, try to do this regularly on the weekend and you will see your physical result in a couple of weeks because in sprinting, you can burn your fat faster. According to an NCBI research, "fat metabolism is most effective during running at intensities between 47 and 64%, depending on athletic ability". Other than that, sprinting can also help with muscle building. According to another research by the NCBI, "sprinting can enhance protein synthesis pathways by as much as 230 percent which leads to muscle building, allowing you to run faster and more efficiently". If you're looking for a way to lose weight and make a good looking body, sprinting is one of the best ways for you.
Swimming is a total body workout because you move your entire muscles extra hard to keep your body afloat on the water. The best way to burn calories in the water is to do a few laps in the pool. If you’re a strong swimmer, try to swim as fast as you can and as long as possible. According to Tom Holland, an expert in exercise psychologist, "A 150-pound person will burn roughly 400 calories during an hour-long swim at a moderate pace and 700 at a vigorous one". Other than that, swimming can also reduce the risk of diseases such as heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes which is susceptible to overweight people.
Cycling is another easy way to lose weight. You can just simply ride your bicycle in the park for several hours or use stationary bikes to burn fat. To actually burn fat by cycling, you will need to ride at the pace that will give you a heart rate between 68 and 79 percent of your max heart rate. You can measure your heart rate by using a heart monitor. If you don't have it, you can simply ride at the pace that will leave you out of breath. Other than weight loss, cycling can also reduce the risk of heart attack because you will be more fit.
These are several cardio exercises that you can do to lose weight. Now that you know, start doing one of these or all of these exercises on regular basis in order to get the maximum result. You are the one who decides your own fate. Whether to stay fat forever and live prone to sickness or start losing weight and live a long healthy life, the choice is yours. Remember, Hospital bills are more expensive than exercising.
Check out our other posts about the different kinds of diets you could use to loose weight
These are several cardio exercises that you can do to lose weight. Now that you know, start doing one of these or all of these exercises on regular basis in order to get the maximum result. You are the one who decides your own fate. Whether to stay fat forever and live prone to sickness or start losing weight and live a long healthy life, the choice is yours. Remember, Hospital bills are more expensive than exercising.
Check out our other posts about the different kinds of diets you could use to loose weight
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